Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Since my last post things have not been going well. I had been feeling very unwell, extremely exhausted and thought I was getting a throat infection. After putting up with it for a couple of weeks because I was working notice out on my job, I then decided I had better see a doctor. After running tests they told me I have glandular fever-which explains the unbelievable tiredness.

This could not have come at a worse time. I should have been working on my final assignment for DPP but I have just been feeling too ill. To top it off now that I am self employed as I am not working I am obviously not getting paid. I spoke to my tutor about it, and he was really helpful. I had applied for formal assessment in November and I was obviously worried I would not be well and have the work done in time. He suggested that I contact OCA and explain the situation as my health should come first. I am hoping I will hear back this week so that I am not worrying (something else I should be avoiding).

Glandular fever can unfortunately drag on for months and there is no treatment for it, you just have to sit it out. I have been researching anything that may help so I am drinking and eating all of the best foods. My aim is that on the days I am feeling better and a bit more awake I shall try and get more of my research done and onto the blog. I shall also start loosely planning the assignment as I am hoping to photograph my own fashion shoot.